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Compassion Fatigue

What is Compassion Fatigue and Why Should We Care

Compassion fatigue is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion that can occur when someone is exposed to the suffering of others for an extended period. It’s often experienced by caregivers, healthcare professionals, social workers, and anyone in the helping profession.


 Click HERE for your FREE digital download of the e-book Conquering Compassion Fatigue Through Strategic Change Management.


Key points about compassion fatigue:


Why Should We Care?


How Can Strategic Change Management Help?

Strategic change management can play a crucial role in addressing compassion fatigue by implementing the following strategies:


​Myths About Compassion Fatigue

Myths about compassion fatigue can lead to misunderstandings and ineffective coping strategies. 








Want to know more? Contact us to see how our customized Compassion Fatigue Workshop can help your employees learn to identify compassion fatigue symptoms and deal with them before it turns into a crisis.



You can't pour from an empty cup! The best time to think about change is before you have to.








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